
Through this pilot program, Continuum is offering select companies 30 days free access to its platform to test its features for their own growth needs as well discounted rates after the 1st month to continue using Continuum should the team desire.

<aside> 🎬 Continuum is a web3 marketing platform designed to empower startups with educational tools to acquire new users and achieve sustainable growth. We aim to equip startups with the resources to break down complex concepts into bite-sized, engaging content, fostering user understanding to build vibrant communities.

Think of us as an alternative to current Quest creation platforms, catering specifically to your business needs and goals!


Our Solution

Continuum empowers teams to craft engaging, bite-sized content experiences through its intuitive, no-code journey builder. Teams on Continuum are able to build custom journeys with various content formats, including images, videos, and text, to seamlessly guide their target audience towards specific actions at the end of the journey. End users who complete a brand’s journey receive points and a unique, soul-bound token issued by Continuum.

What you get for sharing your insights

By joining our pilot program, your company will receive:

  1. 30 Days Free Access: Craft up to 3 engaging journeys with images, videos, and targeted calls to action. We will reward your users with our platform points and unique NFTs. Keep your content fresh with easy updates!
  2. Discounted Rates: Keep the momentum going with exclusive discounts after your free month. No pressure – if it doesn't fit, no worries!
  3. Branding & Recognition: Be featured as a valued partner in our case studies and measure your success after the first month.

<aside> 💟 Continuum at a glance

2022 Product Hunt Golden Kitty in Education. #1 Product of the Week and Day on Product Hunt. Prev. 500k courses taken with 300K NFTs minted on Polygon!


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